Sunday, July 26, 2009

It helps to have talented friends!

Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good. Lucky in that you have talented friends who can help you promote your projects in ways you never dreamed of or could never pull off.

For instance, check out this video response to our "Nerds of Steele" trailer:

This is a fan of our work, NOT someone in our employ. He is awesome, and you can't buy this kind of promotion! So keep an eye out for those wacky talents who do their own thing and carefully cultivate them. Even if for some reason you don't like what they do (which is not the case here but can be in some situations) at least they're talking about you. So keep it going!

PS. Also, I've been swamped getting the Nerds electronic press kit finished but after that we'll see more regular updates here.

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